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A Chain of Bloggers….. And How I Do What I Do

I'm not usually much for chain ethers, but when a friend, the wise and loving Penn Kemp (, tempted me with a blogging chain, I bit at the bait.  I know that I am posting a day late, but last night I was in the wilds of New York state where there was no internet.  Now safely ensconced in my London, Ontario home once again, I have access to all the 'mod cons'.  So here goes my blogging chain…..

1)What am I working on?

      A Voice From the Road
Just at the moment, I am writing from a low-rent motel somewhere in New York state where I am visiting with a friend in rehab create a new definition of resilience.  I am on the way back to London, Ontario from visiting my land and my family, helping my daughter and her sweetie move in together.

This trip has been long a oh-so varied spanning torrential rains in a gorgeous newly expanded retreat center in western New York which I will be co-teaching workshops starting in the fall (stay tuned for details as they emerge!) to a new center in eastern Massachusetts where a former corporation exec. Has turned her home, pool and woods into a free-to-invited-guests spa.

The past week has included a native anchored ritual to protect a gorgeous piece of pristine land from the clutches of pipeline invaders and dear friends speaking powerfully and publicly about Israeli war-mongering.

It has been as tender as watching a disabled dog go into his new cart and, smiling, trot across the yard when previously he could only sit and feel sad.

But mostly my current work has been the work of moving from one place of love to another.  I will unpack these stories and more over the next few weeks.

2)  How does my work differ from others of its genre? Why do I write what I do?
         I couldn’t really say how my work differs from others’ because I don’t actually read many blogs other than friends’.  Are there others of my genre?  There MUST be.  Perhaps I’ll check it out someday, when I have the time…..
Why do I write the things I write?  That’s easy.  These are the thoughts that run through my life.  They are messages that support me in both my internal work and in my work-in-the-world.  They reflect, as much as possible a sense of the wonder and beauty and passion I find in being alive on Planet Earth at this time. 
I don’t think that I am so very different from you or you or you.  I suspect that we have similar concerns and excitements.  Perhaps my point of view might spark something that has laid dormant in you.  Perhaps you will spark something new in me. 
My foundation is that we each have something important to say to the world.  What we do and say, matters!

3)  How does your writing process work?
         I work hard at my writing.  Oh, now and then it flows directly from my brain through my fingers and onto the screen, but mostly that’s the pre-amble that I toss out on the way to the ‘gold’ that lies therein; whatever messages and/or information has to be dug out from under the pile of mind chatter that tends to emerge first.  Those messages are always in there somewhere, but I generally go digging to find it.  And what a treasure it is to find!
4)  And here are the Guest Bloggers for Next Week's Tour!

The bloggers who have agreed to participate thus far are Andrea Surich Diane Finkle Perazzo.  I continue to wait for another response and will post it when it arrives. 
