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Showing posts from July, 2014

New Moon, just past. Plant Your Seeds of Intention

Although the New Moon is just past (it was exactly new at 6:42 p.m. EDT Saturday evening) we are still under its influence.   Consider this the time to set our intention for this cycle.   Sometimes I refer to this as ‘planting our seeds’, as in what do we want to grow in our lives during this moon cycle? I am partial to the moon as it was She who first called me to spiritual practice.   Also  the moon cycle always gives us another chance, another cycle, to glean the life lessons that await us.   Following the moon through her phases we complete cycle after cycle of manifestation.   The New Moon occurs when the sun and moon are in the same astrological sign.   The moon seems absent from the skies and energetically we hold our breath until it finally reappears like the tiniest crescent.   This is the time to focus on and plant our seeds of intention.   Ask yourself, What do I want to accomplish, understand, or manifest during THIS mo...

A Chain of Bloggers….. And How I Do What I Do

I'm not usually much for chain ethers, but when a friend, the wise and loving Penn Kemp ( ) , tempted me with a blogging chain, I bit at the bait.  I know that I am posting a day late, but last night I was in the wilds of New York state where there was no internet.  Now safely ensconced in my London, Ontario home once again, I have access to all the 'mod cons'.  So here goes my blogging chain….. 1)What am I working on?       A Voice From the Road Just at the moment, I am writing from a low-rent motel somewhere in New York state where I am visiting with a friend in rehab create a new definition of resilience.   I am on the way back to London, Ontario from visiting my land and my family, helping my daughter and her sweetie move in together. This trip has been long a oh-so varied spanning torrential rains in a gorgeous newly expanded retreat...

The Surprising Gifts Gleaned from Transitional Times

I offer gratitude to the reader who commented on my last blog.   She wondered if returning to gardening represented a dark shroud being lifted from my life.   This set me to thinking about what these years of transition have truly been for me.   This is such a good time of the yearly sun-cycle to take stock; to ask, ‘What has been growing in the garden of my (or your) soul’? Here we are looking at the question, what’s an active woman to do when faced with several years of life-altering time on the sofa or moving slowly?   How can she work with a transitional time of having left “then” but not yet arriving at “now”?   Reimagine her life, that’s what! Having moved from a place of unsurpassing beauty to a place where we created unsurpassing beauty leads me to a deep truth that I had assumed but didn’t know if I believed: Beauty is where you make it.   And much of this beauty lies in the very fact of the making.   I soon found that I couldn’t ...