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Desire Fed by Passion

The other evening I went to a Buffy St. Marie concert here in London, Ontario.  I hadn’t heard Buffy in person since the early days of the Cambridge (Mass.) folk scene and the heyday of the Newport Folk Festival.  We’re talking the 1960’s here, folks!

Back then, Buffy stood alone on the stage alone with her desire and her passion accompanied by her songs and guitar.  She broke new territory by giving her soul permission to reveal itself to us through her message and music. She asked her heart to speak.  It did and still does.

In an era when the historic and traditional were celebrated, Buffy burst onto the scene with her own songs emerging from her personal history her reverence for the land, and the traditions of her people. Then, as now, she gave herself to the music and her soul soared.  We soared along with her.

Today Buffy struts and dances the stage.  Her music, old, new, traditional, sappy or heart-wrenching proclaiming her allegiance to the desire that propelled her from her country roots on to the stage from the start.  Now she is backed by a high-energy band of two rocking guitarists and a drummer, joy pouring through their bodies blanketing the hall with celebration.

And isn’t that what each of us seeks in every moment of our lives, to be fueled by the passion of our desire?  By our desire to be our authentic selves; the desire to bring our deepest works and our deepest longing to the world; our desire that the Life Force use us as yet another way to celebrate the ecstatic beauty of riding the flow through our unique ways of being.

How will you invite desire to flow through you today?
