Something stirs in your heart
you look up at the sky,
clouds scuddering by
watch a daffodil open
you look up at the sky,
clouds scuddering by
watch a daffodil open
Something stirs in your heart
you pass a news stand
violence in the
world of humans
violence against our Earth.
you pass a news stand
violence in the
world of humans
violence against our Earth.
Something stirs in your heart
you reach out to take another's hand
seek the depth of their eyes
your heart opens
opens to the heart of the world
you reach out to take another's hand
seek the depth of their eyes
your heart opens
opens to the heart of the world
Something stirs in your heart.
You are becoming Peace.
Your every action begins to open
To Peace.
You are becoming Peace.
Your every action begins to open
To Peace.
Gennie Brukner and i are offering a new day'long workshop supporting us on the path of the PeaceMaker.
Come and join us April 9th at Artspace in Toronto. Details are on the Announcements page.
Become Peace. Within your heart and in your life!
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