is like the moon
in the water.
The moon
does not get wet,
is the water broken.
the light is wide and great,
moon is reflected even
a puddle an inch wide.
The whole
moon and the entire sky
reflected in one dewdrop on the grass.”
Zen Buddhist teacher (1200-1253)

Let Her into your heart. Invite Her light to up your soul as you
reflect her beauty.
And call in that which fulfills you and brings
purpose to your life. What boon do you ask of this Moon-tide?
Will you call in Joy? Or Justice?
Beauty? Or Peace? Compassion? Courage? Health? Strength?
Each of us may be as small as the dewdrop and yet
we reflect the whole-ness of possibility. Remember, what we think, what
we say, what we do ….. matters!
Call it in.
Call it in.
Call it in…..
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