In one of the traditions I follow there is
a saying, “Intention is everything!”
I have long felt that intention is a great
start, but when it comes to manifestation, following through on a realistic
intention is what gets the work done.
However, an intention well-formed is the
first step to successfully stepping into change.

So let’s take it piece by piece……
First, Friday (March 20th) is a
New Moon. That it happens to fall on the
Vernal (Spring) Equinox is pretty powerful all by itself. These events are potent support for new
The Vernal Equinox marks the beginning of
the astrological year and, in the Northern Hemisphere, is the beginning of the
growing season and longer days. This is
a new beginning in our solar cycle of the year.
The New Moon also marks a new beginning,
the start of a lunar cycle. like a cycle within a cycle. Each time the New Moon comes around it gives
us opportunities to look at our (current) intentions or goals. As we watch the ways in which they unfold we
can adjust them to fit our reality; to accommodate surprise!
Each lunar cycle, the New Moon is conjunct
(right in the path of) the sun.
Sometimes this lines up and the moon passes between the earth and the sun. This is the solar
eclipse. Simple, yes. But perhaps you get as confused by simplicity
as I do.
We wont actually see anything different here in the
western hemisphere. But we can, if we
pay attention feel a shift. Right now
there is the potential of an opening. This
is a time that can be full of surprises and situations that pull out all the stops.
The solar eclipse on March 20th is potent simply because of it’s closeness to
the Spring Equinox. The piece that is
most important is to act from our integrity and not our fear. When we do this, our
ability to Love wins and our fears become the appreciated as the warning sign they can be.
Put a spotlight on an aspect of your life that calls for change. Focus it clearly. Ground into your present life and the possibility of opening. And watch how these next few weeks unfold. Opening to our hopes and
dreams, reality gives us a boost. So hold
on to your hats and enjoy the ride!
For those in the Southern Hemisphere it is,
of course, the Autumnal Equinox and marks the harvest and stepping into a
different richness; that of the growing darkness. But the potency of the season is just as
present. So gather in your harvests and
set your intentions for the season of growing darkness. And ride your own waves.
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