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When the Dark of the Year Meets the Light

“The longest night is ending / it will be morning soon / the earth turns on her axis / round the sun / a ray of light is shining through the darkness / and a hope we cannot name wakes in our hearts…..”
                                             Anne Bonaparte-Krogh, circa 1987

This chorus of a Solstice song written by a circle sister many years ago plays through my mind, keeps time with my heartbeat and hums in my blood.  Some of us from this same circle have been keeping vigil these past months for one of our own as she traverses her unique pathway between the dark and the light.  While sitting with her I am not always sure whether it is her waking time or her time of wandering between the worlds that holds the darkness, and which it is that holds the light.  For some of us the darkness is the place of rest; the time when it is possible to let it all go and float in the spaces between time and space. For others it is the place of nightmare and injustice.

This season has been bleak for many of us.  Our culture and the world around us seem bound towards destruction.  We see the killing of people of color, the degrading of our earth’s resources, the selling off of lands to those who would not honour them.   Perhaps this destruction is the compost to build a new way forward.  We see pain, grieving and ignorance dance with hope as many of us take a stand on behalf of justice.

Always at Winter Solstice we in the north acknowledge the Turning of the Wheel of the Year towards the re-birth of light while our neighbors in the Southern Hemisphere turn towards the dark.  But this particular turning is special as it is also a New Moon, marking this as a new beginning in both the sun and moon cycles.

One of my Moon practices is to plant my ‘seeds of intention’ for the cycle that begins now.  How potent to plant them at this time of double beginnings!

It just so happens that since December 8th (and continuing until April 8th) the planet Jupiter has gone retrograde.  Retrograde is the term used in astrology to describe the path of a planet that appears to stop in its tracks and reverse direction. Of course, we understand that the planet doesn’t actually stop and turn around.  This is merely an appearance from our earthly perspective.  But due to this appearance, those who follow such things interpret it to mean that the planet’s energetic influence changes.

Jupiter is the planet of increase, of success and abundance, of positive unfolding, of commitment and of following through.  During its retrograde time, Jupiter gives us the opportunity re-visit and re-examine our commitments, our desires and our intentions. 
What a fortuitous synchronicity that this time of re-considering our intentions and options comes at a time of re-birth along with the sun at Solstice and re-newal at this New Moon.

My personal re-commitments are to re-turn to writing and these blogs and to re-new my personal practices that have lagged as I traveled to be present for friends and family during their times of need. 

                                                        Credit Line & Copyright : Adam Block/Mount Lemmon
