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Mercury Goes Direct; the New Moon Rises

I am taking a break from the series about Story to breathe a huge sigh of relief that Mercury, the planet that impacts movement, decision-making, communication, transportation, our relationship with things mechanical, and so much more; Mercury which has appeared to be moving backwards these past weeks, is now going direct. I hadn’t even realized that I was holding my breath!

Mercury stations direct (an astrological term for planets appearing to change direction in relation with the Earth) for a couple of days now coinciding with the New Moon. These are two astrological events happening nearly simultaneously that support a release of gathered energy and new beginnings.  Cosmic happenings like these suggest that decisions or understandings that have felt stalled, issues that have gone deeply internal, all that has been delayed or waylaid, might over the next few days, loosen their grip and move forward.  What has waited in the shadows may now open up and be revealed in all of its glory.

I am not someone who treats the three 3-week periods of Mercury Retrograde each calendar year as times to dread.  I tend to welcome them as times to reflect and do inner work.  To take a break from action and dive into a subterranean world offering myself up to inner musings; to hunker down and consider and reconsider the options present in my awareness, inviting those lodged in my unconscious to step forward.  I like to use this time to check out the status of unfinished business, especially those lingering issues from the past that might be popping up, thanks to Mercury shining a spotlight on them.

The New Moon, in my experience, supports our ability to gain momentum.  The time while Mercury stations can be quite turbulent, my astrologer friends tell me, But this particular cycle I have been feeling that the coming New Moon, tomorrow, is smoothing the way and easing the path, gently turning us towards the ever unfolding now.

The moon, today, rests in the darkest part of its cycle.  This seems to support Mercury, usually moving like quicksilver, who also appears to be stopped. 

Everything stops.  We all take a breath, giving ourselves the gift of a moment, before moving on.  The energies of the world appear to say, “you can rest here.  Tomorrow, with the New Moon will be time enough to move forward.”

So take this gift of time, this time-out-of-time to reflect on what these past three weeks of Mercury retrograde have brought to the surface.  If the New Moon is a time of choosing the ‘seeds’ we plant for this coming moon cycle, perhaps we can acknowledge and use the fuel that Mercury has given us for the choosing.

Blessings of the changing cycle to us all!
